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1 | Introduction. TThe application of the competence-based approach in the system of higher professional education requires competent and correct selection of training content, aimed at formation of necessary competencies. Materials and methods. The material of the study was the content of educational programs of cadets of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Their use made it possible to identify and describe the content of education of cadets of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with the aim of forming and developing their general cultural competence. Results and discussion. The common cultural competence of the cadets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian universitiеs is defined as the fundamental competence of their future professional activity. The selection of the content of training cadets, aimed at formation of common cultural competencies, should be made on the basis of certain principles and criteria. The informative block of common cultural competence of cadets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia universities is represented by three structural components: philosophical-pedagogical, socio-psychological, motivation and self-actualization of cadets in mastering common cultural competencies. The development of these structural components is facilitated by the disciplines, stipulated by the plan, as well as the special course, developed by the authors «Common cultural competence of cadets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs universities of Russia as a pedagogical task». The course includes consideration important from the point of view of formation of common cultural competences of the twelve questions: modern conceptual approaches in the educational process of Russia and principles of their implementation; motive, motivation and the process of self-actualization of students of universities of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; value attitude of students of universities of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to cultural competence as the basis of modern professional activity of the bodies of internal Affairs of Russia; professional consciousness and awareness, the process of its formation within the professional training of students of universities of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; thinking, its types and methods of development of students of universities of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; the typology and issues of communication in the activity of employees of Internal Affairs bodies; the patriotism and civil position of students of universities of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the peculiarities of their formation within the framework of professional training; professional ethics and business etiquette, morality and principles of justice in professional activity of employees of Internal Affairs bodies; worldview and study of the ideas of sustainable development of the Russian state and society. Conclusion. Thus, a correctly selected substantive unit for the formation of the general cultural competence of cadets of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the light of the implementation of the competency-based approach will be able to ensure the formation of twelve general cultural competencies enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the specialties we are considering. At the same time, the competent procedural deployment of the content of training in the educational process of the cadets of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs on the basis of adequate teaching methods and technologies is of particular importance. Keywords: common cultural competence, cadet of the Ministry of Internal Affairs universities of Russia, lawenforcement officers, competence-based approach, learning content, philosophical and pedagogical foundations, sociopsychological foundations, motivation, self | 892 | ||||
2 | Introduction. The question of the development of students’ creative abilities through the new phenomenon of facilitation has aroused increased interest on the part of the scientific and practical communities. Facilitation imposes certain requirements on the learning process. Purpose – the requirements provision theoretical analysis of the pedagogical facilitation technology to the teaching mathematics process for the students’ creative abilities development. Material and methods. The research draws on the work of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of general psychology, pedagogical facilitation and the development of creative abilities. The main research methods are study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem, questioning of students. Results and discussion. Pedagogical facilitation imposes such requirements on the learning process as ensuring the importance of learning, psychological security and psychological freedom, as well as the personality of the teacher and his ability to build relationships with students. A meaningful learning involves changing the personality, changing the behavior of the student due to his or her inner sensory-cognitive experience. To fulfill this requirement in teaching mathematics, you can use various facilitation tools in integration with entertaining tasks, non-traditional forms of organizing classes, and demonstrating the teacher’s respect for students. In the process of facilitation, psychological security is achieved by creating an environment that ensures the presence of trust on the part of the student, as well as the absence of fear, anxiety and other negative feelings arising from external evaluation. It is important to organize work with low-performing students, use modern pedagogical technologies to create a situation of success, and increase the level of comfort in the classroom. Psychological freedom presupposes the formation of students’ creativity, their self-expression, in the formation of which it is important to provide an opportunity to show activity, independence, responsibility. Conclusion. The results of the study make it possible to speak about the features of the organization of the educational process with ensuring the importance of learning, psychological safety and psychological freedom of students on the part of the teacher, as well as about the qualities, competence, personality of the teacher-facilitator, which increases the effectiveness of the development of creative abilities through special trusting relationships, recognition and acceptance of the students’ values, optimization of the process of joint work in the mathematics training. Keywords: creative ability, pedagogical facilitation, significance of teaching, teacher’s personality, psychological safety, psychological freedom | 904 |