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1 | In the article the analysis of functioning of Tomsk Teachers' Institute during the period of the World War I is presented made on the basis of archives documents. The main problems of organization of the learning process in the Institute under the conditions of war times are disclosed. The changes in the faculty staff, students' structure, peculiarities of job placement of graduates are examined as well as the situation of military mobilization of students in the period viewed. | 1089 | ||||
2 | The article presents the results of historical archival research. It characterizes the scientific and pedagogical activity conditions for the students and staff of Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute during 1945-1953, the period of the «personality cult» of i.V. Stalin (Jougashvili) in the USSR. The publication is devoted to the 100th anniversary of Tomsk State Pedagogical University of the Ministry of Education of Russia, the successor to Tomsk Teachers' Institute and the first pedagogical higher education institution in the Asian part of the country. | 1017 | ||||
3 | The article is devoted to the discussion of the Russian liberal party stands at the end of the ХIХ-th – beginning of the ХХ-th centuries in regards for national education. Main principles of Russian education and conditions necessary for reforms of primary, secondary and high schools are regarded here | 1065 | ||||
4 | The article deals with the problem of formation of the system of secondary pedagogical education. The peculiarities of work of teacher’s seminaries of West Siberia in the training of pedagogical personnel for people’s professional schools are mentioned. The analysis of educational process in the seminaries at the close of 19th up to the beginning of 20th Century is submitted for consideration. | 1050 | ||||
5 | This article is devoted to the analysis of the work of social charitable organizations in Western Siberia before the revolution. It gives the characteristics of social organizations and reveals the meaning for development of education in Siberia | 1042 | ||||
6 | In the article the authors show the problems of innovation setting formation in the pedagogical institution. They also reveal regional peculiarities of development of the system of general and pedagogical education. The basic directions of innovative development of the pedagogical institution are: development and introduction of the programme of continuous education with the intellectual potential of the institutions of general and professional education; development and approbation of the modern model of continuous professional training of teachers for small rural schools on the base of new pedagogical technologies; creation of multicultural educational setting for formation and support of national and multinational school; development of the basics of museum training and educational tourism as the form of teaching world standards in human rights, citizenship, patriotism; activation of the innovative activity of the pedagogical university graduates in the sphere of their professional activity | 995 | ||||
7 | Reveal current staffing problems in rural ungraded schools, and suggests ways to address them in a scientific and institutional capacity of pedagogical universities as centers for training, retraining and educational staff. Offered as traditional forms of further education teachers, and innovation - training tutors of distance education professionals UGSH and resource centers of distance education. Keywords: education, ungraded school, state educational policy, teachers extended education, online education tutor | 1041 | ||||
8 | The article is devoted to the problems of modern condition of rural ungraded schools. The authors offer to search the background of current problems in the historic past of Russia and they define several stages in development of ungraded schools: the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century; 1917-1930; 1930-1958; 1958-2001; from 2001 till nowadays. The classification is based on the role of the state and society in creation, support and providing activity of the schools in villages. Keywords: education, ungraded school, history of pedagogics, state educational policy | 1082 | ||||
9 | The article is devoted to study of correspondence of K. P. Pobedonostsev, famous statesman of the second half of the 19th century, with journalists. Correspondence is published and it is a great source on educational history, as K. P. Pobedonostsev was an attorney-general of Holy Synod and he was in charge of education in Russia since 1880 Keywords: education, educational history in Russia, history of the 19th century, K. P. Pobedonostsev | 1025 | ||||
10 | The article covers the problem of development of philosophy of Russian education and the role of Leo N. Tolsloy, great Russian writer and philosopher, in this process. Under his influence a new religious and philosophic trend appeared at the turn of the 19th and the 20th centuries. According to this trend, spiritual formation of personality could be achieved without religion and moral values are consciousness and conscience. The writer differentiated the terms «upbringing», «education», «learning», «teaching». He determined to each of them certain position in the life of a person. The initial positions of educational philosophy of L. N. Tolstoy, called «free pedagogics», were intellect, labor, freedom of spiritual search of one’s own way of life. Keywords: education, upbringing, free pedagogics, educational philosophy | 1063 | ||||
11 | The models of historical and pedagogical formation of teachers’ professional competence in rural ungraded schools in the Russian Federation are analyzed in this article. These models can be realized in two lines: training for rural ungraded schools and organizing of professional teachers’ development for this type of educational institution. Keywords: professional teachers’ education, formation of professional teachers’ competence in rural ungraded schools in Russia. | 1074 | ||||
12 | The article is devoted to characterization of invariant and varied in relation to the Western countries historical and educational trends of complex changes in education in Russia in the late 20th – early 21st century. Keywords: modernization of education, specific effects of modernization in Russia. | 1108 | ||||
13 | The article describes the proven divergent models for teachers’ training for small schools at Tomsk State Pedagogical University. These are “Methods of Teaching of Educational Areas and Systems”, “Teaching in Ungraded Schools”, “Specialized Education in Ungraded Schools”, “Management of Ungraded Schools”. Keywords: models for teachers’ training for ungraded schools, technologies of vocational education. | 1043 | ||||
14 | The debating point about the time of origin of professional pedagogical education in Russia and the problem of development of national model of pedagogical staff training in the 1st quarter of the 19th century are considered. Keywords: history of education, pedagogical staff training, teachers’ institute, pedagogical institute, normal school | 1035 | ||||
15 | The article presents main theoretical positions that characterize the phenomenon of management and teaching teams, conceptually grounded process of their formation and preparation for work in ungraded educational institutions. Keywords: Management and teaching teams, ungraded schools, modernization of education | 978 | ||||
16 | The needs of a modern post-industrial society focuses rural ungraded schools on education of competitive person on formation of socially significant qualities, which give the possibility of adaptation and self-realization of rural graduates. The ability of the subject to self-development and self-conscious and active through the assignment of the new social experience becomes a target of the pedagogical process. Keywords: rural ungraded schools, mixed-age teaching, interdisciplinary, integrative, educational content for different age-education, mixed-age class | 996 | ||||
17 | The article in the framework of historical and pedagogical analysis of the phenomenon of school education identifies stages in the formation of this form of differentiated education, analyzes the reasons for poor rural schools profiling. Keywords: profile education, historiography, stages of formation of special education, rural school | 1026 | ||||
18 | The following issues are considered: the background of the formation of the state educational system in Russia during the 18th century and the main content of the 1802–1804 reforms which resulted in the formation of the educational system. Keywords: history of education, state educational system, reforms in education | 1059 | ||||
19 | Achievement of the new quality of Russian education and implementation of high mission entrusted to the school in creation of the competitive society of the 21st century is possible only by joint efforts of the teachers of secondary and higher education. In Tomsk region there has been accumulated some experience of this interaction and the task of unification and coordination of higher education institutions to interact with general education institutions. Keywords: modernization of education, collaboration with institutions of higher education institutions of general education, development of teaching capacity, quality of education, professional development of teachers | 1042 | ||||
20 | Modernization of the education system is defined in the concept of long-term social and economic development of the necessary condition for the formation of the innovation economy. The programme strategic development objectives in Siberia are identified in science, education and culture, in which Tomsk State Pedagogical University actively participates. The main focus of the university is in improving the quality of human capital for the implementation of key economic and social spheres in Siberia due to the integration of institutions of primary, secondary, higher vocational education and professional development. Keywords: modernization of the education system, program of social and economic development of Siberia, the integration of educational institutions, the system of continuous teacher education | 964 | ||||
21 | This article analyses the main indicators of formation of networking of educational institutions (data: regional educational systems of the Siberian Federal District). Keywords: networking, network criteria, indicators, online community | 1048 | ||||
22 | The article demonstrates the importance of social interaction and social institutions in student context, the main directions of social and educational activities for challenging the environment of socially responsible initiatives for students. Keywords: social responsibility, “social dialogue”, the social initiatives | 983 | ||||
23 | On the basis of the analysis of historical and pedagogical concepts of additional vocational teacher education and practices of additional vocational teacher education of the Siberian Federal District the methodological apparatus of the individualized and personalized training educators’ research is justified. Keywords: models of personalized and individualized training of educators, national and regional approach, continuing education, methodology, research | 951 | ||||
24 | The article analyzes the development of the theoretical foundations of the invariant model of personalized and individualized training of educators focused on new models of certification; regularities of its design and implementation are opened, the structure and contents are described. Keywords: personalized and individualized approach, patterns, structure and content of a model of personalized and individualized training of educators | 947 | ||||
25 | In the process of the historical and pedagogical analysis of theories and concepts of additional professional education the main stages of formation of network model of the personified and individualized professional development of educators are discovered and analyzed. Keywords: andragogical approach, theoretical grounds of formation of network models of professional development | 981 | ||||
26 | The article analyzes the problem of formation of the conceptual foundations of modern teacher certification; the regional models of the teachers’ certification in the transition to general education are described. Keywords: certification, Federal State Educational Standard, historical and pedagogical analysis of the problems of the teachers’ certification in Russia | 962 | ||||
27 | The article presents the results of research and scientific-methodical work of the professional-pedagogical community of Tomsk State Pedagogical University in designing the modular educational programs for training bachelors of pedagogical education on the basis of Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ through coordination of the FSES and professional standards. The authors suggest approaches to designing the structure of modular educational programs for training teachers at the University at the undergraduate level and determine the grounds for the allocation of their modules with the designation of the invariant and variable component. The didactic features of modular educational programs – from goal-setting to the final evaluation of their effectiveness are substantiated. The results of designing the list of professional competencies of bachelor graduates for the modular educational program 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (bachelor level) and the description of the content and organizational characteristics of such a modular educational program are presented. The materials of the article can be used by the heads of the main educational programs and administrative and management teams of Russia’s pedagogical universities in the context of transferring students to BEP (basic educational program) mastering created in accordance with the requirements of FSES HE 3 ++ in conjunction with professional standards of pedagogical activity. The content of the article is based on the use of the method of theoretical analysis, expert method, focus group method, pedagogical design methods. Author’s scientific and methodological developments of TSPU specialists are a means of implementing innovative transformations of bachelor’s practices of training a teacher in a university. Keywords: pedagogical education, professional standard of the teacher, the main educational program for bachelor training, professional competences, professional educational module, demonstration exam | 946 | ||||
28 | Introduction. The history of general and pedagogical education in Russia always attracts the interest of researchers, and this is connected with the modern processes of reform of the domestic educational system, they should be supported by historical experience. The purpose of this article is to reconstruct and generalize the experience of the State Duma of the Russian Empire in reforming pedagogical education. Material and methods. The material of the research is historical sources of various origins whose use makes it possible to form an objective view of the development of education in Russia and to re-evaluate the risks and genetic problems in the solution of modern problems of educational reform. General scientific and special historical methods of research are used. Results and discussion. With the establishment of the State Duma in Russian society, there were hopes for positive changes in the development of science and education. The State Duma of the first two convocations began a debate on education: The State Duma of the third convocation has done a great deal, and contemporaries praised its results in this area. Education was the subject of heated debate among deputies of different political factions. All deputies advocated the development of school business, the opening of teachers’ seminaries, institutes, courses, the raising of the status and salary of teachers, but disagreed on the forms and methods of achieving the goal. During the existence of the III Duma, several important normative documents concerning the development of pedagogical education have been adopted. Draft Regulations on Women’s Teachers’ Seminars, discussed over six months, were approved by both Houses of Parliament and approved on 1 July 1908. The Draft Regulations on Women’s Teachers’ Seminars were approved by both Houses of Parliament. As a temporary option for solving the personnel problems of primary schools until the opening of the required number of teacher training institutes and seminaries, on June 6, 1909, a decision was made and highly approved to open two-year pedagogical courses at city schools. One month later, on 10 July, a proposal for temporary teacher training courses for secondary school teachers was accepted. The next step in solving the personnel problem of secondary school was the draft law on “Rules on testing of female persons in knowledge of the course of higher educational establishments and on their acquisition of scientific degrees and titles of female teachers of gymnasiums” which was discussed by the Duma in January 1911 and approved on 25 February. Successfully passed in the Duma and the legislative act on “the establishment of one-year and short-term courses for the preparation of teachers and female teachers of secondary educational institutions”, which on March 29, 1911 was considered and already adopted on July 3. A special place among the projects developed by the commission on public education was occupied by proposals for the transformation of teachers ‘seminaries and teachers’ institutes, which should have had a positive effect on the cultural development of the country, but the bill was discussed for a long time, first in the Third Duma, then in the Fourth Duma, but did not find support. Work in the Fourth Duma on the reform of teacher education institutions was interrupted by the outbreak of world war. Conclusion. Thus, the desire of broad sectors of Russian society and, above all, of the educational community for effective educational activities was reflected in the work of the deputies of the State Duma at the beginning of the last century. The first two Dumas proved to be opposed to the Government and demonstrated the mutual inhospitability of society and the authorities to make concessions, which delayed decision-making even on such obvious issues as the fight against illiteracy. The results of the activities of the Third Duma were the most productive, however, due to the large number of discussions on private issues, the deputies did not have time to complete work on many important bills in the field of education. In the fourth Duma, even the draft laws that had already been drafted were first reviewed and, with the outbreak of the world war, forgotten or rejected, among the latter being the bills to reform the educational system. During the Soviet period, the basic provisions of the draft laws on teacher’s institutes and seminaries were reintroduced, but they were interpreted in the light of the principles of a unified labour school and the education of teachers of the new formation. Keywords: teacher education, teacher training, teacher seminary, teacher training institute, teacher training courses, State Duma, Russian Empire | 807 |