This article is devoted to the starting point of the first period (the beginning of the XVII century – the half of the 1890th) in the history of ethnographical research of tuvinian people. In 1616 Vasilij Tjumenez and Ivan Petrov, the first ambassadors of Russia went to the residence of Altyn-han to establish diplomatic relations. The trip of the Russian ambassadors was through the territory of some tuvinian tribes (Sajanskaja zemlja and Matzkaja zemlja). The ethnographical data of V. Tjumenez and I. Petrov include the description of the traditional culture and life style of tuvinian people at the beginning of the XVII century.
Keywords: the ethnographical research of tuvinian people, the first Russian embassy, Altyn-han’s state, Vasilij Tjumenez, Ivan Petrov, sajanskaja zemlja, matzkaja zemlja
1. Andrievich V.K. Istorija Sibiri. SPb., 1889. Chast 1.
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3. Donesenie poslov k Altyn-hanu, otprovlennyh v 1616 godu, objavlennoje Tomskim voevodam Bobarykinu I Hripunovu (Prilozenije № 1) // Andrievich V.K. Istorija Sibiri. SPb., 1889. Chast 1. S. 206–210.
4. Pokrovskii F.I. Puteshestvie v Mongoliju i Kitai sibirskogo kazaka Ivana Petlina v 1618 godu // Izvestija Otdelenija russkogo ajzyka i slovesnosti. SPb., 1914. Tom 18. Vypusk 4. S. 14–26.
5. Baddeley I.F. Russia, Mongolia, China. London, 1919. Vol. II. P. 47-58.
Issue: 5, 2009
Rubric: History
Pages: 154 — 157
Downloads: 1147