In the article on the basis of long-term researches the data about the role of fresh-water molluscs in food of fishes in the reservoirs of Siberia is generalized. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of food Coregonus, Acipenser and some Cyprinidae fishes from the pools of the rivers Ob, Enisei, Lena, Yana, Indigirka and Kolyma and from the reservoirs of peninsulas Yamals, Gydansky and Tajmyrsky are given.
Keywords: Molluscs, Coregonus, Acipenser, occurrence, food, Ob, Enisei, Tajmyr, Lena, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma, Subarctic region, Arctic regions
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Issue: 6, 2009
Rubric: Biology
Pages: 117 — 120
Downloads: 1130