FR W Cosmology with a Non-Linear Ingomogeneous Eq uation of State
A dark Friedman-Robertson-Walker fluid governed by a non-linear ingomogeneous equation of state (EoS) is considered that it can be viewed as a conveniently simple paradigm for the whole class of models that exhibit phase transitions from a non-phantom towards a phantom era. On the other hand, such dark fluid models may also describe quintessence-like cosmic acceleration. Adding a cosmological constant-like term to the EoS led us to the conclusion that at some t = t1 a future singularity forms, in the sense that the energy density and the Hubble parameter simultaneously approach infinity at this value.
Keywords: dark energy, cosmological singularity, cosmic acceleration
Issue: 5, 2011
Series of issue: Issue 5
Rubric: Physics
Pages: 31 — 34
Downloads: 972