The article deals with the problem of implementation of correctional-developing training in educational institutions of Russia. Identifies the disadvantages in professional training for correctional activities of the working teachers of geography and students-geographers enrolled in the direction of preparation “Teacher Education”. Specifies the professional competences of the teacher, necessary for effective psychological and educational work with children “at risk”. Describes: a technique for diagnosing the level of formation of universal educational actions; principles of compiling the individual correctional and development programs; ways of drawing up corrective developing exercises and tasks, which are the basis of correctional and development activity of the teacher of geography.
Keywords: correctional-developing education, inclusive education, children “at risk”, methods of geography teaching, correctional-developing activity of a geography teacher, correctional-developing exercises
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Issue: 5, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 12 — 16
Downloads: 790