The author substantiates the necessity of conducting criminal proceedings, based on the performance of fundamental legal values, purposes and principles. Permanent legal values, goals and principles in the Russian criminal procedure find an appropriate theoretical, conceptual, institutional, legislative and practical reflection in the form of specific legislative provisions, prosecutorial investigative and judicial decisions. The author discusses the principles of the Russian criminal proceedings as a whole system, in which the content and direction of the actions of a single principle depends on the direction and action steps of other related principles. Scientific significance: on the basis of address specific criminal procedure objectives and principles by which Russian courts seek to identify the true circumstances of the criminal case and their solid basis make fair decisions and judgments in order to strengthen social order, identified the need to complement the constitutional principle of equality of arms, as well as an unforgettable principle of comprehensive, complete and objective examination of the materials of the criminal case for the purpose of revealing the true circumstances of the case and make an informed, fair and legitimate judicial decisions and sentencing. Practical significance: the results of the study can be used in the development and implementation of measures for prevention of crimes in modern practice.
Keywords: legal values, criminal justice, judiciary, legal principles, criminal procedure principles, lawyer help, "conviction of conscience”
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Issue: 5, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Rubric: LAW
Pages: 86 — 91
Downloads: 767