The purpose of the article is to identify the features of scientific linguistic habitus. The author proceeds from the interpretation of science as a form of social practice and understanding of its subjective basis as a set of dispositions (scientific habitus). The linguistic habitus of science is defined as one of the sets of dispositions of the subject of scientific practice, acquired in a particular socio-historical context by taking into account the peculiarities of its carrier, and reflected the linguistic identity of a scientist to a particular tradition (educational, disciplinal, national, cultural). Responding to the question of how linguistic habitus is associated with an actual scientific practice, what specific nature it has and what the mechanisms of formation are, – the author, firstly, asserts the existence of a gap between the linguistic habitus of science and scientific practice itself. Secondly, the analysis of works of local researchers allows to refer intertextuality, expressivity and dialogueness identifying to the features of scientific linguistic habitus. Thirdly, the dynamics mechanism of scientific linguistic habitus is described on the basis of theories of P. Bourdieu and W. Labov.
Keywords: scientific practice, subject of scientific practice, linguistic habitus of science, intertextuality, expressivity, dialogueness
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Issue: 5, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 96 — 102
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