In the article specifics of medical knowledge are clarified and logical-methodological foundations of individuality problematics in bioethics are proved. The article represents the results of conducting RFH project № 15–03–00598 and RFBR project № 14–06–00440. In the article the problem of logic-methodological foundations of bioethics definition is posed. To solve it the author clarifies specifics of medicinal knowledge. First of all, medicine can be treated both as an art and as a science. The second, medicine has some specific features as any other science. Historian of culture Carlo Ginzburg ranks medicine among the so called “clue” disciplines. Such disciplines address individual cases that may be reconstructured via traces and symptoms only. Thus allows to fulfill integral attitude to patient but do not add to medicine scientific character. The situation changes while bioethical model is strengthening in Western medicine deepening the gap between exclusively individual experience of disease and impersonal-anonymous medical theory. Specifics of medicinal knowledge are based on David Greaves conception. At first, medicinal knowledge contains considerable part of uncertainty elements (diagnostic hypothesis and prognosis are of plausible nature), secondly, medicinal knowledge does not belong to closed restricted circle of professionals, finally, that knowledge is a combination of technological (or objective) and humanitarian (or subjective) components. It is bioethics that pose a problem of dualistic interpretation of “all-purpose” and “existential” medicinal knowledge today as well as issue the challenge to overcome a gap between “two cultures” (medicine as an art and medicine as a science). That will allow to “turn” medicine to a patient as a personality and individuality. It is mentioned that conception of “medicinal cosmology” (D. Greaves) allows to include morality and cultural questions in medicinal area together with technological which make possible to increase taking individual into consideration in modern medicinal theory and practice. In conclusion author summarizes epistemological features of medicine caused by gap between “two cultures” in medicine and dual nature of medicinal knowledge (as nomothetic and ideographic science) and actualizes patients' individuality (in its different manifestations) in bioethics.
Keywords: bioethics, clue paradigm, biomedicine, medical cosmology, individuality
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Issue: 5, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 103 — 109
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