Excursus into the history of the development of the concepts of “information” and “knowledge”, a comparative analysis of the key features and the phenomena themselves in the aspect of their influence on the model of education in the modern world can be useful both for students and for educators. Analyzing the contemporary philosophical and pedagogical literature the author raises an important for the future of the national education system question of correlation of the concepts of “information” and “knowledge”. Highlighting the main similarities and differences between “information” and “knowledge” the author talks about the consequences of the substitution of one concept to another one when we are talking about aims and values of education in the XXI century and discussing the features of the competency approach in the Information society or Society of knowledge.
Keywords: education, information, knowledge, information society, society of knowledge, competence approach
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Issue: 5, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 110 — 117
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