Transition to open economy and the concept of long-term social and economic development of Russia are connected with creation of innovative economy for occupation of the leading positions in the world market. Before professional education there was an important task to train experts who will be able to carry out updating of national economy and to provide its competitiveness at world level. Economists are at a forward boundary of the international interaction, operate in the world financial markets and can make an essential contribution to development of innovative processes. However the quality of modern training of economists doesn't meet requirements of the developing business, and part of graduates remain unclaimed in a profession. One of the reasons of such state is that the subjects of business with transition to the market began to solve the personnel requirements through labor market and ceased to participate in vocational training whereas formation of professional competence of economists requires the environment of real business which is dynamically updated and which characterizes a set of risks. The article offeres to use the educational cluster providing pedagogical interaction of subjects of heterogeneous social spheres – education, business and management of education in the region. These subjects are complementary, and their interaction increases efficiency of activity of each participant. The article considers the perspective model of training of economists which basis is joint educational activity of the subjects of education, economic business and structures of management of education in the region in an integration form of an educational cluster. Requirements to creation of model are stated, the structural characteristic of components of model is provided and functions of model are described. Practical realization of model confirmed a conclusion that an important role in innovative development is played not by certain market subjects, but their effective interaction.
Keywords: integration, innovative economy, training of economists, joint educational activity, pedagogical interaction, educational cluster, model of the integrated preparation
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Issue: 5, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 229 — 233
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