Statistics of cases of the child abuse proves that the domestic violence has become as common as the street violence. Hundreds of children are injured by their own parents. Specialists in rehabilitation centers and school psychologists in their work with children, affected by domestic violence in the family, use all possible methods and forms of behavior correction and rehabilitation of such children. Collective creative activity is one of the forms of correctional and rehabilitation work with children affected by domestic violence in the family. At venue of MAI (Municipial Autonomous Institution) PCSA (Prevention Centre and Social Adaptation) “Family” (Tomsk) a group of children from among the victims of the domestic violence was formed. Parents and children, entering “the group of risk”, were proposed to unite with the creative team of children with disabilities, at the result of which the creative inclusive group “Kolosok” was formed. The tasks of the group are to create conditions for reducing aggression and anxiety in children/a child; to teach children/a child to build and maintain relationships in the family, to show feelings and emotions for the purpose intended, to develop empathy through the close communication in society. The results of the diagnostic test showed that anxiety and aggressiveness decreased; composition and staging tales contributed to the development and expansion of the vocabulary, and the manufacture of handicrafts from the improvised and natural materials developed the outlook; the relationship between mothers and children became warmer because joint activities allowed them to spend time together as often as possible, to be in the same business, to get to know each other better.
Keywords: home violence, correctional and rehabilitation work with children, collective creative activity, inclusive group
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Issue: 5, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 239 — 243
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