The article contains a research of common features and differences in content and esthetic actualization of fiction concepts “spring” and “life” on the material of the Russian poets’ verses. Means of their usage and individual figurative representation with glance to associative connections are examined in the article. Some regularities in variety of content and structure of concepts, which are connected with their different sides reasonably and are conditioned subjectively by peculiarities of the author interpretation and creative conception of poets, theme and situation were determined in the article. Different variative potential of researched fiction concepts connected with their specificity, semantics of concept’s nominative, their collective associative field and different types of verbalized in poetic texts associations were established. The research is done in cognitive trend of communicative stylistics of text and regulative theory.
Keywords: fiction concept, variative potential of concept, poetic text, regulativity, textual associates, textual associative field of concept
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 118 — 125
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