The article deals with penetration of some plots, motives, characters and literary forms of the ancient Indian monument “Panchatantra” into the world of peoples’ oral and written literature. This factor has been the centre of folklore specialists’ attention since the XIX century. It is known that existence of the similar plots in the different peoples’ literature was interpreted by scientists quite differently. It was connected with relationship, borrowing, or accepted as independent phenomena. The article examines genetic and typological methods of analysis, reveals their merits and demerits. The following fact is taken as the basis: the genre “framed narrative” and method “casus” were formed on the basis of the ancient Indian traditions. So their manifestation in the other cultures has the Indian origin. It is supposed that the plot “wooden beauty” in Azerbaijanian tales has the Indian roots. The modifications of this plot used in the different peoples’ tales are compared. The drawn parallels make it possible to come to the following conclusion: each plot, motive, character and genre regardless of the original source is interpreted in national literature, changes according to native environment, traditions and gains new qualities.
Keywords: “Panchatantra”, framed narrative, casus, “wooden beauty”, typological analysis, tale, anecdote, legend
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 244 — 250
Downloads: 957