The phenomenon of “educational metaspace” is considered in the context of the anthropological approach. The concept of “subjectivity” is interpreted as a conscious and active attitude.We prove the necessity of technologized work of the teacher in the educational metaspace through certain forms and methods of joint activities focused on the needs of the modern educational situation. Description of the experimental part of the work is a design of educational metaspace and it is constructed in the logic of humanitarian research. Design of metaspace based on the category of “problem”, which is understood as a method of detecting and fixing the lack of thought means to achieve this goal. The algorithm of work with a problem is presented in several stages. Each stage corresponds to a specific form of work of joint activities. Design of metaspace is based on a particular subject material. This material became the novel M. A. Bulgakov's “Master and Margarita”. The basis of the educational project was the film P. Weir's “Dead Poets Society”. The project is seen as project actions of each participant.
Keywords: educational metaspace, subjectivity, anthropological approach, the joint activities, humanitarian research
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 53 — 59
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