The article deals with the specifics of psychosocial, cognitive and physical development of children of primary school age in relation to mental health. The main objectives of the proposed study are to establish a clear picture of the modern younger schoolchild in ontogeny in the system of theoretical concepts and empirical knowledge; the formation of a holistic approach to mental health, a special way of thinking, defined by the guiding principles of domestic and foreign psychology, modern understanding of the basic categories of developmental psychology on the segment of primary school age. Presented psychodiagnostic study of younger schoolchildren of their mental development based on the biopsychosocial approach. The result of which the data leads to the conclusion that the process of adaptation of first-graders to school depends on the characteristics of emotional and volitional and personal spheres, that is the basis of mental health.
Keywords: primary school age, mental health, adaptation, ontogenesis
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 115 — 119
Downloads: 878