The major results of the study of land ownership and population dynamics of ufa cossacks in the second half of XVIII – first half of XIX centuries are stated. According to the sources, mounted Cossacks in Ufa have appeared only in 1660-s. Initially Ufa Cossacks used suburban hay lands and pastures on equal terms with other military and serving population of the city. They also had the exclusive right of fishing on the Belaya River within the city for a long time. Analysis of the statistical material showed that over the 1755 to 1844 period staff size of the Ufa Cossacks held constant and came to 150 people, and along with retired Cossacks the population in different years came to 300 Cossacks.
Keywords: land ownership, Orenburg Cossack Army, Ufa Cossacks, Ufa, numerical strength
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 152 — 159
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