The article considers the specifics of the national and European identity in the structure of the German identity. Analyzed lasting, historical problematical formation of national identity in Germany, the stages of its formation and their main features.Particular attention is paid to the analysis of foreign statistics of the European Commission (Eurobarometer), which show the complexity of the processes of formation of the double identity of the German population on a timely point in history (1990–2014). Using statistical analysis, it was found that over the 20 years since the reunification of Germany (1990), citizens of this country had to change the identity of the three times, allowing you to call the German national identity is not fully formed. The reason for this is the specificity of the historical path of Germany, a special model of the German national identity, as well as geopolitical, economic and other aspects of European integration.
Keywords: national identity, European identity, the identity of the German nation, the European Union
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 262 — 269
Downloads: 806