The paper reviews preverbs of Eastern Khanty dialects. The main focus of the discussion is to summarize and to analyze these units of speech. The analysis is carried out from the functional semantic point of view. Preverbs are adverbial, usually lative, particles that modify spatial characteristic of the verbs they are used with. Preverbs function as a derivational unit. Usually preverbs go before the verb and are connected with it morphologically and syntactically. Seldom, a negative particle, direct object or an auxiliary particle may occur between them. Preverbs are believed to be a separate part of speech because from the point of view of phonetics they do not form a single word with a verb that follows.
Keywords: Khanty, preverb, adverb, gramm
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 43 — 49
Downloads: 786