The article deals with the problems of learning the English terminology of language didactics. The knowledge of terminology refers to one of the most complicated aspects of language didactics. The future teacher of a foreign language must also possess methodical terminology in a foreign language. It is known that this terminology (unlike the Russian language) is more polysemous, heterogeneous, dynamic, “lax”. This article suggests the use of educational methodical tasks as an effective basis for learning the English terminology of language didactics. It also states possible types of these tasks, including some author’s examples (search of synonymous expressions of classroom vocabulary, grouping of terms, search of false (incorrect) translation of classroom vocabulary, explanation of abbreviations, and choice of Russian equivalents of the terms in English).
Keywords: terminological task, language didactics, a term of language didactics, English terminology of language didactics, learning terminology of language didactics
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 98 — 101
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