The article examines some peculiarities of grandmother-grandchild discursive interaction in family communication. Applying methodology of interactional and conversational analysis to the video data recordings of communicative interactions between different generations of two Russian families we argue that such interaction is governed by two contradictory intentions: to maintain the empathically warm communication and at the same time to protect the initial roles of dominant communicant (for grandmothers) or to fight for the status of independent communicant (for grandchildren). They both show some specific discursive devices: grandmothers’ use of joke aggression, memorative (telling about past events), assistance in the case of communicative failure; communicative sabotage for grandchildren.
Keywords: family discourse, discourse interaction, communication between generations, discursive devices, «communicative sabotage», non-verbal communication
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 33 — 36
Downloads: 816