Individualization of learning is considered as organization of educational process, which takes into account individual differences of students. Individualization in the narrow sense is the development of individual learning path for each student. Individualization in the broad sense is the creation of conditions for the manifestation of student’s individual characteristics in the process of learning. The article shows that the individual approach should be distinguished from the differentiation. Differentiation means training based on division of students into groups according to some external criteria. The authors pay special attention to the differentiation and individual approach in teaching higher mathematics to the students who are enrolled in the university program specially developed for Elite Engineering Education (EEE). Examples of multi-level training materials illustrate various ways of individualization of learning higher mathematics in the framework of the EEE program. Recently, both individual approach and differentiation in teaching higher mathematics are the trend in the organization of the educational process in technical universities. To keep the urgent tendency significant the renewed educational practice in higher engineering and technologic educational institutions should be thoroughly adapted to requirements and opportunities of recent pedagogical reality.
Keywords: individual approach, learning, learning differentiation, individualization, learning mathematics, higher mathematics, Elite Engineering Education
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Issue: 4, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 33 — 41
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