The article considers the experience of realization of the system of social-pedagogical preventions of the repeated juvenile delinquency at vocanional school of the closed type. Reveals the objectives and content of the forms of prevention (vocational counseling, psychological and pedagogical support of development of pupils’ individual, return of the pupil to the open society), the use of which during the application, main, graduation and postprevention periods of prevention formes the ability of self-socialization in the conditions of an open society. Shows the orientation of prevention at the enrichment of the juvenile with positive social experience, adapting the person in the system of social connections and relationships, empowering it with social action technologies, the formation of a sustainable strategy for personal self-realization, forming an alternative of crime.
Keywords: social-pedagogical prevention, periods of social-pedagogical prevention, social-pedagogical diagnostics
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Issue: 4, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 140 — 146
Downloads: 743