The second half of the XIX century is the heyday of the provincial statistics. The reason for this was the conversion in the early sixties the provincial statistical committee, which until that time was held with the governor’s office. Since that time, the statistics committee became an independent institution, which attracted intellectuals to work in the province, as every more or less educated person was invited as a member of this committee. Ufa Provincial Statistical Committee was created in May 1865 on the basis of Orenburg Provincial Statistical Committee. As mentioned above, in the organization of the Committee actively participated along with government officials a number of local historians: R. G. Ignatiev, V.S. and M. V. Lossievskiye, G. S. Rybakov, V. L. Olszewski, V. A. Novikov, P. I. Dobrotvorsky, A. A. Packer, A. B. Ivanitskii and many others. The biggest contribution was made to the organization of its activities by the member of the secretary N. A. Gurvich. Under his leadership, was held a lot of work, which contributed to the development of statistical work in Ufa province. This article considers organization of the activities of Provincial Statistical Committee of Ufa Province during the second half of the 19th century, which has made a definite contribution to the account of the population, real and personal property, which in turn influenced the strengthening of the economy of the region and definition of strategy for government social and economic development of the region.
Keywords: Ufa Provincial Statistical Committee, statistics, population census, estimate of costs, land statistics, population
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Issue: 4, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 167 — 173
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