The article briefly reviews the background and highlights in the pre-revolutionary period of Krasnoyarsk section of the East Siberian department of the Russian Geographical Society. Noted its important role in the development and popularization of science on the territory of the Yenisei province. Shows the main directions of research work of the Section in the Yenisei region: naturalistic, ethnographic and archaeological expeditions and excursions, observation of local archive documents, preservation of historical monuments, socio-economic studies, etc. Mentioned the leading role of Krasnoyarsk section of the East Siberian department of the Russian Geographical Society in the development of the Krasnoyarsk city museum.
Keywords: the Yenisei province, the Krasnoyarsk section of the East Siberian department of the Russian Geographical Society, the scientific study of the Yenisei province, Krasnoyarsk city museum
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Issue: 9, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 21 — 28
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