In today’s Russian society relations between the state and the church have a significant influence on interethnic and interconfessional relations. Their study is of great importance as it is caused by the appearance of new sources, the possibility of appeal to the classified archival documents, allowing to restore historical justice. The prominent church figure of the twentieth century Archbishop Iuvenaly (Maslovskiy Evgeniy Aleksandrovich) finished his earthly course in Tomsk (was shot on October 24, 1937). The article considers the relations between the believers and the Soviet government in the period of his ministry (1917-1937). Attention is paid to the problems of relations between the state and the church during the period under review as well as the internal state of the church on the example of the Tula and Ryazan dioceses.
Keywords: Archbishop, state, diocese, Orthodoxy, Soviet power, the Church split
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Issue: 9, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 35 — 42
Downloads: 741