The article raises the problem of organization of educational environment with the use of information technologies that improve the level of formation of professional competencies for working profession of the future trainers to meet the requirements of professional standard for the teacher of vacatioanal training, professional education and professional education as well professional standards for trades. It is proposed to use e-learning courses aimed at the formation of knowledge of modern industrial equipment and the specifics of its operation, which is a training program installed on any computer running under MS Windows family, and every (mobile app) installed on any mobile electronic device running the Android operating system (tablet PC, smartphone). The main feature of e-learning course is presentation of educational material in the new format, which becomes interactive, visualized and practice-oriented to a particular workplace and specific equipment.
Keywords: educational environment, information technology, master of vocational training, training in working profession, e-learning, e-learning course
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Issue: 9, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 83 — 88
Downloads: 928