The article deals with peculiarities of discursive practice of informational and media language personalities of spectators (witnesses). Spectators (witnesses) are communicated persons who deal in network according to their subjective reasons and become witnesses or participants of events, which can be the informational reason for Internet communication. This type of language personality is free in choice of style, genre, means of communication, which are defined by its causes, common level of culture (it can be different) and thesaurus. Correlation of this type of language personality with the other closed types of Internet communication are examined. Some peculiarities of media discourse of the type of informational and media language personalities subject to subset are revealed. Comments on television broadcast “Perceptibly” and media texts of blog and interview from the site of radio station “Echo of Moscow” are the material of the research.
Keywords: informational and media language personality, spectators (witness), media discourse, discursive practice, comment
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Issue: 11, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 35 — 41
Downloads: 865