The article considers some features of syntax of Internet communication on the example of open letters to the President from the point of view of regulatory function. The choice of methodology (studying of the regulatory function) which is actively developed by school of sciences at Tomsk state pedagogical university is reasonable. Regulatory dominants are distinguished from syntactic structures: epistolary questions, mononuclear sentences, a word order, short offers phrases, incomplete sentences, default reception. The syntactic regulatory means revealed during research imitate oral informal conversation. In general it is noticed that the way of communication (Internet) is reflected in contents and a form of the open letter: usually authors don’t think of esthetic influence, statement of punctuation marks, creation of the text of the letter, also the author doesn’t edit carefully stylistics of the epistolary text.
Keywords: Internet communication, Internet discourse, epistolary texts, open letters, regulatory means of syntax
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Issue: 11, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 54 — 60
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