The article deals with the peculiarities of rhyming compounds which are usually used as a means of speech expressiveness, but don’t belong to the system of rhyming slang. Rhyming compounds represent the group of minor types of word-formation in Modern English. The members of the group are less important in comparison with the other ways of replenishing the English vocabulary, but they play an important role in the field of expressive means of language. The meaning of rhyming compounds is diverse and often unpredictable; they usually denote quantity or intensity. Rhyming compounds are formed by repetition of roots with some changes in the vowels or/and consonants. The system of the word-formation type in question is rather stable and tends to increase.
Keywords: word-formation, rhyming compound, expressiveness, colloquial speech, language and culture
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Issue: 11, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 72 — 75
Downloads: 911