The article deals with the problem of precedence and its implication in a language system. The position of proper and common names is analyzed. Precedent names represent a group of names that are widely used by people as an ideal model or linguocultural image. The most frequent source domains of precedent names are: religion, mythology, politics, literature, art, cinema and folklore. The author makes comparison between precedent anthroponyms and toponyms in Russian and English languages. Numerous examples of set phrases and phraseological units, including components – precedent names are given. The peculiarities of precedent names formation as the result of appelativation are revealed. Knowledge of precedent names contributes to effective cross-cultural communication.
Keywords: precedence, precedent name, anthroponym, toponym, onomastics, semantics, source domain, linguocultural image
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Issue: 11, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 76 — 84
Downloads: 1375