National expression form of a particular scientific terminology in multi-structural languages shows a law of scientific thinking of a specific nation and its national world-view identity. Taking into account that while choosing special vocabulary units for verbalization of a new notion “etymological preferences” convey to a great extent national distinguishing features of an individual mental activity in a particular professional sphere, address to the comparative analysis of etymological specifity within the basic vocabulary of Russian and English ecological terminology. Consequently separation of primary terminological groups – native and borrowed – is of interest with regard to anthropolinguistic research since its correlation in a particular terminology (preponderance of some terms over others) can demonstrate identity of national thinking or dependence of a particular national thinking on another.
Keywords: special vocabulary, term, comparative analysis, etymological research, native word, borrowed word, Latin, Greek
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Issue: 11, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 85 — 90
Downloads: 797