The article considers repetition in language as one of the most prominent means of expression in formation of individual style of fictional work’s author. On the example of Ossetian writers’ works it is convincingly proved that repetition is not only one of the means of organizing retrospection and prospection in the text, but also a way of expressing subjective modality. Aesthetic and expressive effect of repetition increases considerably during the use of different kinds of duplication: phonetic-phonological, lexical, morphemic and morphological, semantic and syntactic. The type of repetitions and their functional yield are directly dependent on the genre varieties of fiction text. In the author’s narrative reasoning text they mainly perform modal-expressive function, and in the descriptive texts they express author’s subjective attitude to the displayed.
Keywords: the Ossetian language, linguistic repetition, linguistic text analysis, language of fiction, fictional text
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Issue: 11, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 101 — 104
Downloads: 745