The social and economic transformations occurring in the modern society inevitably cause the change of educational policy of the Russian Federation. The modern educational system has to reflect not only the interests of the state, but also the interests of the separate ethnoses and ethnic groups living on the territory of Russia. One of the possible ways of implementation of the new educational doctrine of the general education is the use of national traditions in educational process. The national pedagogy is a reliable basis for improvement of quality of teaching and educational process as it reflects ideals and views of the nation, concepts of a person, family, children, and upbringing of younger generation. The sayings, proverbs, fairy tales, legends, and songs handed down from generation to generation reflect the riches of pedagogical culture of various ethnoses and ethnic groups. The national pedagogy represents a set of pedagogical data and educational experience which has remained in narratives, customs, and ceremonies. The modern educational system has to realize the principle ‘from perception of the culture of your own nation through the native language to the culture of the neighboring people’, then to inclusion to the world culture. The leading idea of ethnopedagogy is the achievement of the harmonious development of the personality due to the natural and biological, social and spiritual potential of this or that ethnos. The attitude to the world with the moral responsibility before the world and itself was created in the national pedagogy.
Keywords: national pedagogy, ethnocultural component, national traditions, educational process
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Issue: 11, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 120 — 123
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