The article studies the methods of psychologism in V. Rasputin’s story “French lessons”; notes the special attitude of the story-teller towards the hero characteristic of the autobiographical narration; analyzes the ways of creation of a psychological portrait of the teenage character, his speech features. The writer emphasizes morality and will power of the child from the Siberian village, capable to adequately endure treachery, loneliness, hunger and to learn moral lessons from social experience. V. Rasputin inherits and develops traditions of literature of the second half of the 19th century on the children who have appeared in a difficult life situation. Unlike characters children of classical prose, the hero of the story of V. Rasputin himself chooses life separately from a family for education, and in the social environment, cruel / indifferent to the child, appears the adult (teacher) ready to give help and support.
Keywords: techniques of psychological analysis in the literature, the Siberian literature, V. Rasputin, the image of the teenager in the literature
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Issue: 11, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 131 — 136
Downloads: 1196