DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-4-22-27
The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of a headmaster’s humanitarian culture. The purpose of the article is to reveal the intrinsic components of this phenomenon and to show the manifestations of humanitarian culture through the formation processes of a person’s spirituality. The author discloses spirituality through the poliparadigmatic approach in science, defines the pedagogical essence of spirituality, considers its formation as a process of self-building and personal growth. The article states that the humanitarian culture of a headmaster is a necessary factor for forming spiritual environment of school. At the same time the personality of headmaster is considered to be capable of spiritual enrichment and self-development and is a carrier of special spirituality and of pedagogical mentality - intelligence. Intelligence, as a quality of the personality, can be developed if spiritual and moral values need self-development, and high humanitarian culture become the inner regulators of a headmaster. The research shows that the pedagogical community imposes high requirements to spiritual and moral personal qualities of a head, such as decency, nobility, conscientiousness, justice, high spirituality and culture. The examples of two innovative schools of the Amur Region (Gymnasium №1 in Tynda and Secondary school №1 in Arkhara) have shown how the humanitarian culture of a headmaster influences the spiritual environment of a school. According to the author, this environment will be as such if upbringing is based on spiritual and moral values, spiritual unity of a school, professional activity of the “spiritual mentors” which are capable to awake souls of their pupils and a headmaster as a well-educated person.
Keywords: humanitarian culture of a headmaster, spiritual environment of school, spirituality, intelligence of the personality, personality of a headmaster, spiritually-moral values, poliparadigmatic approach
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 22 — 27
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