DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-4-39-44
The main values of life, which were formed throughout human existence, are undergoing significant changes in modern social society. The moral crisis that emerged as a new anti-social phenomenon in the late 20th century, is changing the outlook of the youth, placing material values on priority positions. Spirituality and morality go to a secondary plan. And as a result there is a deformation of the family, birth relations, marriage bonds, child-parent relations are collapsing. Family traditions intended for formation and preservation of the family integrity, are lost. The word “tradition” itself (translated from Latin tratitio as “transfer”) means historically established and passed down from generation to generation customs, norms, laws, orders, rules of conduct. Creating a family, the birth of children are no longer the main foundations of life of modern man. The traditional patriarchal system is replaced by the new formations: single parent family, cohabitation of men and women. Members of such a family will not be able to form a correct representation of the younger generation not only about universal values, including what is dear to everyone: man, homeland, peace, friendship, work, education, culture. They can’t also formulate the concept of “family values”. Family values are something that matters to everyone. Most families identified for themselves the same moral principles of love, loyalty, trust, succession of generations. The family institute loses its significance, and the problem of its preservation must be solved at the state level – to teach the young people to responsibly and consciously treat the fact of creating and preserving the family, reviving and maintaining its value.
Keywords: family, family values, human values, parent-child relationships, morality, spirituality, social society, family tradition, moral crisis, institution of the family
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 39 — 44
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