DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-4-49-56
Teaching of mathematical disciplines in Russian universities has traditionally been based largely on the classic teaching methods (explanatory-illustrative and instructive-reproductive). Of course, the design of programmed instruction, as well as development of simulated and game methods of training is a very time consuming process. However, these training methods can dramatically improve the cognitive interest of students, their responsibility for the result, contribute to the development of skills both individual and collective work. (When using the programmed instruction the pace of learning is individual; in conducting the educational and business games we can develop the ability to act as a team). The effectiveness of innovative interactive methods (programmed instruction, “mathematical fights” and business games) requires not only logical basis, but also the statistical verification. The article studies the effect of the application of some interactive teaching technologies at the results of the students mastering the course of probability theory and mathematical statistics. The pedagogical experiment contained a comparison between one control group and two experimental groups in which these learning technologies were applied. The analysis was based on statistical hypothesis testing using t-test and Wilcoxon criterion. A marked increase in the knowledge quality associated with the use of innovative teaching methods and identified through the use of module-rating system, finds its confirmation in the results of the interim tests and final exam grade. The average exam score (on a 5-point scale) was as follows: 3.3 points for the control group and 3.45–3.6 points for the experimental groups.
Keywords: interactive learning technology, module-rating system, control and evaluation activities, pedagogical experiment, statistical hypothesis testing
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 49 — 56
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