DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-4-77-83
The article deals with the features of teaching of meteorology and hydrology to the students of geography at Tomsk state pedagogical university. It demonstrates the results of the study of major difficulties for the students during the study of meteorology and hydrology. The article presents the examples of realization of remote technologies MOODLE (Modular Object Oriented Digital Learning Environment) for training of the subject “Modern problems of hydrometeorology” for masters. The article shows that the best development of spatial thinking of students occurs during the analysis of the climatic maps. If the student chooses a theme, then the project activity is more effective. Describes the test results of students-geographers in the assessment of current and residual knowledge in meteorology and hydrology. Educational field practice, including tours to the meteorological station, is considered as a necessary activity for the successful mastering of meteorology and hydrology. For effective studying of meteorology and hydrology students need to carry out measurements using various meteorological instruments. For investigation of water quality in small rivers of Tomsk region the field laboratories are used. The results of students’ research during the training practices are widely used for writing articles and bachelor’s final work. The article presents didactic recommendations for teachers starting to teach meteorology and hydrology at the pedagogical universities.
Keywords: meteorology, climatology, hydrology, interdisciplinary communication, spatial thinking, professional competence, higher education
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 77 — 83
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