DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-4-123-127
This article discusses the factors that affect the efficiency of the process of teaching foreign students. Analized the educational process on specialties in Chinese universities for Russian students. Analysis of the learning process shows that the important role is played by the university educational system, where Russian students are trained in intercultural communication. The results show that the motivation of students and the process of adaptation in higher school play an important role in the effectiveness of the learning process. The main factors of Russian adaptation of students in Chinese universities are educational communication, educational and psychological and personalitycommunicative components. Based on the results of the study, the advantages and disadvantages of the educational process in Chinese universities were identified and the ways of solving the problems to improve the organization of the educational process were formulated. The current trend in the development of international educational space allows you to highlight the most important ways of improving the educational process. The article formulates solutions to improve the educational process. In the development of educational programs and the organization of the learning process for Russian students, administration and faculty must take into account the mentality of Russian students. Intercultural communication in the organization and in the process of teaching Russian students played a huge and one of the most important roles. For many Russian students the process of adaptation is difficult, there is the influence of both climatic conditions, and educational and communication factors. Successful adaptation depends on many factors of the environment and on the man himself. The more complex is the new environment, the more it differs from the usual environment for the student, the more difficult is the process of adaptation.
Keywords: intercultural communication, adaptation, motivation, educational communication, educationalpsychological and personal-communicative approach
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 123 — 127
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