DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-105-110
The article reflects axiological aspects of the organization of educational process in the university. Gives the author’s definition of students’ value-semantic attitude, suggesting the union of the cognitive and emotional components of the inner world of the individual. Indicates value activities in the formation of a variety of valuesemantic relations of the subject with the world. Substantiates the role of interactive forms of training of students in the system of various forms of educational work in modern conditions of social and cultural space of the university. Reveals didactic resource of interactive learning in the process of its implementation in the authors’ own experience of work with students. Provides the concrete examples of the use of various forms of interaction between the teacher and students in the process of contact and separate kinds of work in higher education system. Discloses methodical and personal importance of training based on a combination of traditional and innovative methods of work. Presents interpretation of the use of certain interactive forms that provides a practice-oriented nature of the content of this article. The role of interactive learning for the formation of common cultural competence of students lies in the development of their intelligence and skills to establish the relationship of theory and practice, in the development of the ability to analyze and identify causal relationships.
Keywords: values, value-semantic attitude, form of training, online training, general cultural competence
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 105 — 110
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