DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-141-146
This work develops the statements of works [1–3]. Author’s experience of teaching disciplines for the students studying in the direction of training «Applied informatics» is generalized. Some questions of techniques of teaching discipline «Document science and documentary ensuring management» are considered. The main directions of further research are considered. They consist in highlighting the activation of interdisciplinary links between disciplines aimed at forming the professional competencies of students. It is planned to continue modernization of the developed materials of the electronic courses intended for support of independent work of students in the study of disciplines. It is important to develop tasks for independent work which would promote increase in interest of students in studying of materials of the discipline. In addition, we are developing the funds of evaluation tools in the form of test questions, questions for credit. It is concluded that the use of e-course materials contributes to the formation of professional competence of future graduates. Further goals on educational system development are also discussed. We are going to continue developing electronic educational materials, reference books and seminars. These materials will be used for the formation of professional competence of students who are training in the direction of «Applied Informatics». The article presents the results of using the developed methodological materials. Besides, the results of testing of students in the section «Document and System of Documentation» are analized.
Keywords: field of professional activity, office-work, document, electronic document management systems, DIRECTUM
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 141 — 146
Downloads: 949