DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-151-155
The article discusses the concept of the safe area of childhood and the necessity of its formation to ensure the safe development of the child. Development of the safe childhood area is aimed at reducing threats for child’s life and health and occurs in the course of interaction of an environment and kid’s private world, as well as in the task of creating a safety culture. The analysis of the relationship between the components of the safe childhood space was conducted using methods of statistics. The established causal relationships guide the development of a safe childhood area. Environmental conditions have a direct impact on the formation of safety culture in the child’s vital world. High ecological risks act as a motive for the formation of adaptive reactions, including safe behaviour. Adverse ecological conditions promote formation of children’s safety culture, while adverse social factors decelerate its development instead. Technological and social threats stimulate educational institution to develop health-saving technologies. The development of healthy and eco-friendly among pre-school educational institutions creates safe childhood space. Adaptive-developing environment of educational institutions is a condition of adaptation of the preschool child to the society and the preservation of his health. The safety culture of adults - parents and teachers - has a dominant influence on the child’s safety culture and the conditions for its safe development.
Keywords: safe childhood area, the child’s vital world, safety of a preschooler, safety culture
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 151 — 155
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