DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-34-41
The article analyzes the organization of educational process in teachers’ seminaries of Eastern Siberia in the early twentieth century. It is shown that the new ideas, approaches, that filled, transformed the educational process, contributed to strengthening of military-patriotic and civic education of pupils, which was especially vividly demonstrated during the First World War. Markedly increased the attention to the work with the pupils on labour, physical and aesthetic education as a result of expanding the range of compulsory and optional subjects, increase in seminarians participating in extracurricular activities. It was determined that in the educational work there were some drawbacks, sometimes manifested in the form of formalism, arrogance, lack of qualified specialists and understaffing of the necessary equipment of appropriate rooms. It was stressed that the expansion and deepening of the content of the educational process bore the signs of the development of the humanistic tendencies, associated with an increase in accounting features of personality.
Keywords: educational process, teachers’ seminary, Eastern Siberia, religious education, patriotic education, labor education, physical education, aesthetic education, moral education, teaching staff
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 34 — 41
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