DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-6-96-99
The verbs denoting independent movement on a firm surface in the Taz, central and southern dialects of the Selkup language are considered. In the dialects of the Selkup language the lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion is represented by a significant amount of the verbs describing various ways of the movement, its nature, general orientation against the speaker, conditions in which this movement occurs, etc. There is a relatively little number of polysemantic verbs among the verbs of movement in the dialects of the Selkup language and the number of meanings of verbs is insignificant as well. Most Selkup verbs of motion (60 %) are monosemantic, about 60 % of meanings do not repeat, i.e. they are peculiar to one verb of motion. In the Selkup lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion the synonymic relations are poorly developed in comparison with Russian in spite of the fact that among the verbs of motion in the Selkup language the synonymy is more developed than in other lexico-semantic groups of the studied language. The verb qənqo is the central element of the lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion in the Taz dialect of the Selkup language. The semantics of this verb does not include the description of conditions in which the movement occurs, its direction, way and mode. The verbs čāǯįgu and kwangu are the central elements of the lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion in the southern and central dialects of the Selkup language. Description of the general direction of the movement (making nearer or farther) and orientation in space is the most essential thing for the Selkup verbs of motion. There are several specifics of the lexico-semantic group of verbs of motion in the dialects of the Selkup language: existence of the space-oriented verbs; the verbs denoting movements in space made by means of certain devices / vehicles; almost full incompatibility of the verbs of motion with the abstract nouns and nouns denoting objects, incapable of the independent movement. The movement and the ability to the movement is a marker of animateness, on the basis of this marker representatives of the Selkup ethnos differentiate animated and inanimate, i.e. alive and dead. Everything that moves is animated.
Keywords: verbs of motion, verbs of movement, movement direction, the Selkup language
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Issue: 6, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 96 — 99
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