DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-7-25-31
Now there is a great emphasis on situating metaphor studies within broad, comprehensive models of human cognition, communication, and culture. As any language is anthropocentric, and in any language, there are metaphors that perceive objects, animate or inanimate, as persons. Metaphors ascribing human characteristics to non-human entities are defined anthropomorphic and can be viewed as a formula NATURE IS MAN, where we have NATURE for the target domain, and MAN for the source domain. In literary texts the anthropomorphic metaphor is considered as one of the most productive metaphor type due to the author’s subjective perception of the surrounding world. The ubiquity of the anthropomorphic metaphor demonstrates that the key metaphorical schema NATURE IS MAN can be broken down into lower–level, specific schemas bringing to the various aspects of the concept MAN (appearance, traits of character, feelings, aural perception, intellectual functions, physical activities, age, body etc.) and the concept NATURE (natural objects and phenomena, seasons, times of day etc.). The present paper is aimed at showing generating power of the basic metaphor «SPRING IS A WOMAN» in Shukshin’s writings. The corpus of original metaphorical expressions as the examples for the analysis illustrates the modeling potential of the anthropomorphic metaphor. Created by the culture and embedded in the literary texts by the author it is used to perform, and present new dimensions of the picture of the world.
Keywords: anthropomorphic metaphor, basic metaphor, modeling of the world, literary text, spring, woman
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Issue: 7, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 25 — 31
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