DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-7-124-127
The article presents a discussion analysis of the project of the Concept of school philological education and the Concepts of teaching the Russian language and literature. Analyzes accentual positions of scientists, methodologists, practitioners, teachers, highlights critical points. The documents are presented through the prism of goal-setting of the values of education in general and arts education in particular. Describes the declared approaches, the didactic unit and vectors of development. Discusses academic aspects of school literary education, questions of succession, cultural and interdisciplinary integration. Presentes and describes the structural components of documents in a comparative manner and characterizes in discussional form. There is strengthening of the actual science, not peculiar to the documents of this kind before (in particular the concept of «linguistic personality in the cultural-linguistic field of the nation», «the language of the aesthetic ideal», «intuitive assimilation of the laws of language», etc.). Considers the basic vectors of the сoncept of teaching the Russian language and literature, including the concept of the school philological education (among them: working with the linguistic deformations, the knowledge of language as a symbolic system and a social phenomenon, the regulatory formats and the variety of speech activity recorded by the correlates between the existing legal, regulatory and instructional materials, and conceptual directions of the development).
Keywords: Concept of the school philological education, Concept of teaching Russian language and literature, teaching methodology, didactic units
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Issue: 7, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 124 — 127
Downloads: 931