DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-78-82
Training programs on physical culture have provided studying of questions of history by school students. Therefore, the purpose of classes in history of physical culture with future teachers in the organizations of higher education and colleges is not only acquisition of knowledge, but also training in technique of teaching historical aspects, formation of interest in a profession. The article presents the results of the analysis of educational programs on physical culture for students of general education schools regarding existence of aspects of history of physical culture in them. The questions of the Olympic movement, the role of Pierre de Coubertin in its development and education, the origin of physical exercises and games are presented in programs for schoolchildren. There are no relevant issues in the programs on the history of the Paralympic Movement, the Deaflympic Movement, Special Olympics. Authors have determined possibilities of history of physical culture in formation of professional competences of future teachers of physical culture. Lessons of history of physical culture promote formation of important professional competences of future teachers and train them for organization of pedagogical, design, cultural and educational activity. The authors have defined the attitude of future teachers to the “History of Physical Culture” and the most expedient methodical receptions for use in classrooms. Most future teachers consider the history of physical culture an important topic, but they do not understand the practical significance of the subject. Among the most appropriate methods of teaching, students give priority to active methods. The authors have proved that students need special preparation for the use of methods of training in the professional activity.
Keywords: history of physical culture, teacher of physical culture, students, school students, physical culture
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 78 — 82
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