DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-123-127
Structural reorganization of the country’s economic system, the formation of public relations and management systems require new knowledge and special approaches from the management, which confirms the importance of training highly skilled management personnel and the need for the formation of a special system for their training and retraining. Managers should acquire experience in solving practical problems of development and improvement. In the context of this task, it is important to have a toolkit that would allow studying and researching the processes taking place in the managed object. In particular, a higher educational institution can act as the managed object. This article focuses on the development of the model of the university activities. The implementation of this model can be used as a basis for the development of a computer simulation program that can be used as a simulator for management training in order to study the appropriateness of managerial decision-making. The article considers in detail the model of management of students body, which are an essential part of the model of the organization of training in the structural subdivision of the university. According to the model, its behavior is determined by a set of configurable parameters that simulate management interventions and environmental parameters that model external conditions.
Keywords: modeling, activity of the university, management of student contingent, functional models
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 123 — 127
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