DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-136-140
The author of the article considers the issue of how to improve the preparedness of students of pedagogical higher educational institution to work as Music teachers. The current strategy of modernization of the Russian education system is based on the key traditional advantages of the national pedagogics. In the sphere of higher musical pedagogical education bachelor’s degree programs are updated taking into account new requirements of the Federal state educational standard of higher education in Pedagogics. Consequently, training students for their future work as Music teachers is based on practice oriented approach to teaching. An important part of the structure of musical pedagogical training of prospective bachelors in a pedagogical higher educational institution is music and instrumental training of students, with ensemble performance being one of its aspects. The research shows that too little attention is given to this aspect in teaching practice. It results in the students’ inefficient mastery of practical skills for ensemble performance. The author reveals and proves the urgency of ensemble aspect of training from the point of view of pragmatism, which is one of the key trends in improving the quality of modern professional education. The author displays the importance of the ensemble aspect of training for professional activity of a modern teacher of Music. Taking into consideration the traditions of training students of different specialities to do ensemble activity, the author emphasizes the pedagogical significance of ensemble classes for development of students’ personal, creative and performance qualities.
Keywords: ensemble performance, music and instrumental training, prospective bachelors, ensemble aspect of training, ensemble classes, ensemble skills, developing function of teaching
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 136 — 140
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